Weekly Penguin

Weekly Penguin 572

Since the intolerable heatwave continues here in Finland, I thought I might just as well continue with the trend of compensating the weather with some properly cool penguins! This seemingly-handmade Christmas penguin was gifted to me last year. I say 'seemingly-handmade', since it has that handmade look and it doesn't have any company tags, but since it was a second-hand discovery, I can't be 100% sure.

But it doesn't really matter if this plucky penguin is hand-made or factory made, it is still cute as buttons.

Also, time for a friendly reminder; next Tuesday aligns with July 31st, which in TAGAP land is called TAGAP Day – the celebration of release dates of both TAGAP and TAGAP 2. We've already announced that a brand new version of TAGAP 3 is on the way (v1.6), but I'm also cooking something extra for the occasion.

So, remember to tune in next week for some TAGAP celebration!

Also available as Wallpaper

Added: 2018-24-07